世纪名人网 > 名医风采 > 杜蕙



  杜蕙,博士副主任医师各类关节炎(类风湿性关节炎,强直性脊柱炎,痛风,骨关节炎等)的诊治Prevalence and risk factors of knee osteoarthritis in Huang-PuDistrict, Shanghai, China.Du H, Chen SL, Bao CD, Wang XD, Lu Y, GuYY, Xu JR, Chai WM, Chen J, Nakamura H, Nishioka K.Rheumatol Int.2005 Oct;25(8):585-90. Epub 2004 Aug 10. The prevalence ofautoantibodies against cartilage intermediate layer protein,YKL-39, osteopontin, and cyclic citrullinated peptide in patientswith early-stage knee osteoarthritis: evidence of a variety ofautoimmune processes.Du H, Masuko-Hongo K, Nakamura H, Xiang Y, BaoCD, Wang XD, Chen SL, Nishioka K, Kato T.Rheumatol Int. 2005Nov;26(1):35-41. Epub 2004 Sep 18. Du, Hui; Chen, Shun-Le; Bao,Chun-De; Wang, Xiao-Dong; Wang, Yuan; Gu, Yue-Ying; Nishioka,Kusuki Community-based epidemiological study on hyperuricemia andgout over 5 years in Huang-pu district, Shanghai 8th Meeting of theGlobal Arthritis Research Network (GARN)/1st Bio-RheumatologyInternational Congress (BRIC), 2011/11/14-2011/11/16, Tokyo, JAPAN,2012. 会议论文, SCI Xu, Qing Rong; Dong, Ying Hai; Le Chen, Shun; Bao,Chun De; Du, Hui Degeneration of normal articular cartilage inducedby late phase osteoarthritic synovial fluid in beagle dogs Tissueand Cell, 41(1), pp 13-22, 2009/2. 期刊论文, SCI, 1. 038(2011)International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 2014 ORIGINAL ARTICLEAn allopurinol-controlled, multicenter, randomized, double- blind,parallel between-group, comparative study of febuxostat in Chinesepatients with gout and hyperuricemia Xinfang HUANG,1 Hui DU,1Jieruo GU,2 Dongbao ZHAO,3 Lindi JIANG,4 Xinfu LI,5 Xiaoxia ZUO,6Yi LIU,7 Zhanguo LI,8 Xiangpei LI,9 Ping ZHU,10 Juan LI,11 ZhiyiZHANG,12 Anbin HUANG,13 Yuanchao ZHANG14 and Chunde BAO1在线医学百科--风湿病学编委;内科理论与实践,上海科学技术出版社,编委2004年获亚太地区青年研究者大奖 2005年仁济医院首届科技文化节论文大赛一等奖 2006年首届上海交大医学院研究生科技文化节二等奖2007年获上海交通大学医学院医学博士学位,仁济医院首届科技文化节论文大赛一等奖1997年毕业于上海第二医科大学临床医学七年制 1997--2000年,上海仁济医院风湿科住院医师 2001--2007年,上海仁济医院风湿科主治医师 2002--2003年公派至日本圣玛丽安娜医科大学附属关节炎中心进修,主修关节炎生物标记研究。2007年获上海交大医学院医学博士学位。


